The Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro packs a 6-inch, 1080 x 1920 display. Under the hood, there's Qualcomm's octa-core Snapdragon 652 processor. The Galaxy A9 Pro also gets a very handsome 4 GB of RAM, a 16-megapixel main camera and 8-megapixel front-facing shooter. There's also 32 GB of on-board storage which, thankfully, can be expanded by means of the microSD slot. Along with the generous dose of RAM, Samsung hasn't messed about with regard to the A9 Pro's battery life, either. Though sheer capacity isn't the only measure of how long a device's lights will stay on in real-world usage, the 5000 mAh juice pack should help the A9 Pro to go the distance.
802.11 a, b, g, n, ac, dual-band; Wi-Fi Direct, Hotspot
microUSB, USB 2.0
Mass storage device, Charging
GPS, Glonass
Accelerometer, Compass, Hall (for flip covers)
NFC, Tethering, Computer sync, OTA sync
Mar 30, 2016
Officially announced:
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